Sapphire Blue | Teen Ink

Sapphire Blue

March 19, 2011
By littleJJgirl PLATINUM, Orrick, Missouri
littleJJgirl PLATINUM, Orrick, Missouri
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Its better to let others think you are an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Mark Twain

Part of me is sapphire blue-
Intense and bold,
Outgoing and graceful,
Facing the world with confidence and loving life.
But deep inside there's another part,
Dark red, like blood dripping from a wound-
Cold and demanding,
Scared and clumsy,
Hateful and hiding from those who might be judging.
Both shine through, each different as night from day,
But I'd rather you see my sapphire blue.

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