Latent Sentiments | Teen Ink

Latent Sentiments

March 31, 2011
By Emmy101g BRONZE, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
Emmy101g BRONZE, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Latent Sentiments, hidden emotions
Dormant beliefs, concealed notions
Dig a hole, bury them deep
Pick up the carpet, under it sweep
Away your ideas
Your thoughts and your cares
Can’t let them out into open airs
The voices in your head are right
You belong in that state of night
You don’t deserve to hold that light
Take that rope tie it tight
Around your hopes and dreams
Don’t bother talking; no one hears your screams
Just look good and keep smiling
Fold your hands, sit in the corner
Bow your head, don’t stop acting
Laugh when they laugh
Make a few jokes
They would never guess, you’re under my yoke
Scream, if you want
Scream till you choke
See no one hears you
Nobody cares
Latent Sentiments, hidden emotions
Dormant beliefs, concealed notions

The author's comments:
When I wrote this piece I was feeling trapped by my mind or my conscience or some inner force. This thing just took over me and made me feel less than human. It was a terrifying time for me.

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