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Welcome Home: She Wasn't There

June 16, 2008
By James Burdick PLATINUM, Fredonia, New York
James Burdick PLATINUM, Fredonia, New York
32 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You were all I could have wanted,
But you wronged me
In such the worst way.

I gave you my love, girl,
But you abused it
By playing games with me.

Now I play General against an armada.
Storming to my beaches,
They fire with their fury.

You scarred my own grandeur
Like all the famous martyrs-
Jesus is my savior.

I fight back with intention
Of them the ground.
I have no weakness.

The disrespect was all you gave
To me, my not true love.
Your power is gone now.

I have only one regret from this:
I did not realize, but I
Only fantasized a dream into a nightmare


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