Sparks | Teen Ink


January 27, 2008
By Anonymous

As the fireworks burst in the air
Everyone seems to stare
As we look into each others eyes
I find the courage to tell you all the lies
You tell me not to speak
Because it would make the moment weak
With the spark flying in space
I feel you hand against my face
You leanin for the sweet kiss
But in that second you seem to miss
Did you miss because we weren't ready
Or because the situation wasn't staedy
In each burst of light
You were the perfect sight
The one in my dream
The one we lay by the stream
If you won't go for it then i will
As the whole world stands still
I steal that little kiss from you
Then you take one back because it's all true
Now we lay in the bright lights
While everyone else sees the other sights

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