Baseball season is finally here | Teen Ink

Baseball season is finally here

February 7, 2008
By Anonymous

Baseball season is finally here,
Tickets are being sold
And the fans are full of cheer.
The players are lacing up their shoes,
Preparing for the game
Hoping that they will not lose.
The game is just about to begin
With high expectations,
And hopefully ending up with a win.
As the game goes on pitch by pitch
Fatigue sets in
And the team is now in a ditch.
Losing the game two to zero,
In the last inning
Everyone is trying to be the hero.
Number seven steps up to the plate
With the game on the line,
Let’s just say he did something great.
As the runners came in the fans started to cheer
With their first win,
They were glad baseball season was finally here

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