What You Do To Me | Teen Ink

What You Do To Me

May 14, 2011
By quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
quietgirl SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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C&#039;est la vie.<br /> Love is a fragile thing, and sometimes we are not it&#039;s best caretakers. All we can do is muddle through it, and hope that this fragile thing lasts.

I don’t think it’s fair

How none can compare

For all the second you’re on my mind

I don’t think I’ll ever have that time

To fall this hard I’ve never intended

Though with you I never pretended

My heart is on the line

But that’s just fine

You are all I’ve wanted

With every momnent I feel daunted

Is another I’m left breathless

This world is boundless

To my limits capability

But when it comes to my docility

I’ll never say a peep

But I hope that you will keep

That as your que

That I’m still crazy for you

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