Swept Away | Teen Ink

Swept Away

February 28, 2008
By Anonymous

The air buzzes with excitement
But when we talk that bee is dead
For u only want to kiss and go
And I want to stay and lay
Lay in your arms
The only place im safe
Away from ghost
And ghouls
Your eyes I can get lost in
For that green sweeps me away
That green of a frothing sea
But instead in pulled to shore
No rest on the soothing seas
So pushed away I am
But pulled in by another man
Than can protect me with just one hand
But his eyes aren’t those of the one I love
Only your that I can drift
His eyes are black cold night
Looking in I see his scars
No soft drifting seas for me to lay
For he shows no emotion or pain
He hides it under that black
So to this day
I dream of the day
When that sea will take me away

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