What Are You Infinitly In Love With? | Teen Ink

What Are You Infinitly In Love With?

June 10, 2011
By TakeAChance SILVER, Parker, Colorado
TakeAChance SILVER, Parker, Colorado
8 articles 9 photos 0 comments

The stars in the sky
and the birds that fly.
The hope that dies, when people cry,
and the love of love when all is left behind.
The dew on the grass when the sun will rise,
the spark still there in a blind mans eyes.
The scream in your voice,
the destruction of your kind.
The race to the finish line,
and the whisper of the lie,
"No really, I'm fine."

The author's comments:
So, I was thinking today after one of my finals (bleh) about the love I don't believe in. And this poem thingy just kinda popped into my head...

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