Take You Over | Teen Ink

Take You Over

June 10, 2011
By TakeAChance SILVER, Parker, Colorado
TakeAChance SILVER, Parker, Colorado
8 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Emotions are contagious,

stress is outrageous,

yet both fill our lives,

with things that make us cuss,

and sometimes even wish we could spontaneously combust.

we pine and lust,

for pretty things we consider a "must"

we cry and trust,

things that quickly rust,

there is more then meets the eye,

when going for a ride,

there is more to the story,

then the reader is willing to hear.

but if we fall,

and dare we break,

let ourselves go to give and take,

then we shall reach and see the end,

where on the edge we might break and bend,

consider your life,

for what its worth,

see your birth,

and protect your turf,

even which in doing so,

you fall into the abyss of confusion,

pull yourself out with the strength of fusion,

stand your ground,

meet fire with fire,

and let the world take you over.

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