The Waiting Game | Teen Ink

The Waiting Game

June 28, 2008
By Iryna Ivasyk BRONZE, San Diego, California
Iryna Ivasyk BRONZE, San Diego, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With every tick of the clock
Sinking in my mind like a stone in water.
My eyes focused on the phone, awaiting the call.
For that harmonizing voice to strike my eardrum once again...
The voice of love, care, kindness and beauty.
The one which raises the sun every morning, and tucks me in at night.

Waiting for the call,
For my mother’s voice to cheer my day up,
To clear all the gloomy clouds, and to warm my heart with love.
I could feel her heavy arm on my shoulder,
I could hear her convincing me everything will be alright.
Her face became but a blur in my mind,
She left seeking a better life in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

A soft tear found its way across my right cheek.
As an angel came to my aid,
The tear slowly disappeared as my heart was put back in place.

My cousin and I played Barbie and I knew she was my guardian angel.
My cousin’s warm heart pulled me away from my sadness,
While her wings picked me up as I fell.

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