9/11 Cause and Effect | Teen Ink

9/11 Cause and Effect

September 27, 2011
By Jose Roman BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Jose Roman BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
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September 11, 2001 was the most horrific and devastating incident that has ever happened in U.S soil. 9/11 affected every human being in America in somehow and some way. It happened in the twin towers in New York City. Where two planes was hijacked and they crashed into one of the towers and 30 minutes later another into the other tower. The first building that the plane crashed into collapsed. A lot of companies were ruin by this. When this happened many people from the Middle East were discriminated and made fun of. The immigration laws became very strict and many people were affected. Traveling by Air also became very hard for people. Many politicians became angry cause of this.

Many companies were affected and many people lives were lost. A lot of people lost their family members. Some lost relatives in the twin towers; some were the passengers who were on board on the planes. A huge number of people are still facing mental health effects still today. After a long research people are reexamining their priorities in life. They are trying very hard to forget about the past and move on with their everyday life. They hope nothing like this we happen again. When this happened they estimated that 130,000 people lost their jobs due to the attack. The terror attack had a short term effect on the economy. Many industries were also affected since people were not buying or selling products.

Crimes that were based on religion had rapidly increased after the 9/11 attack. This mostly affected people from the Middle East and also Southeast Asia. They were discriminated and rising violence against them. Many were not accepted jobs when they applied. A lot of kids were mentally abused and called terrorists. Also they think people will discriminate them and call them Pakistani or Arab. Airports became a lot stricter and everyone had to go through security checks. They check all yours bags and when there are more Arab passengers on board they check more. Many people were afraid of going in a plane when there were Arabs on the plane.
Traveling by air became very hard and people did not really think about the consequences that might happen to them when they travelled by plane. 9/11 put fear in people’s mind from all over the world. Many business workers felt a little scared and were uncomfortable flying after the terrorist attack. A lot of people quit their jobs because of this. The Airline Business started to slow down cause of 9/11. Many were going into bankruptcy because there were not enough sales of tickets. Also fuel prices went up. They secured the aircrafts even better than before. American and United Airlines were the ones that suffered most from it. They were the ones that got hijacked on 9/11. That is why traveling by air became a lot more difficult and a lot of people were scared of something happening.
Politician became very aggressive and said they would do anything to prevent from this happening again. They decided to spend as much money as they need to prevent from terrorism against the U.S. They spent millions for War on Afghanistan and Iraq. Most people wanted to go back to the era of Bill Clinton. The government hoped nothing like this would happen so they did whatever they could and they kept sending soldiers. Lots of people were against the war but the government didn’t listen.
9/11 was the most devastating incident that ever happened on American soil. This affected every human being in America in somehow and some way. A lot of companies were ruin by this especially the Airline companies. When this happened many people from the Middle East were discriminated and made fun of and were treated bad in school. The immigration laws also became very strict and many people were affected. Traveling by air also became very hard for people it was a lot more difficult to get into a plane.. Many politicians became angry cause of this and they did whatever they could to try to prevent anything from this happening in the U.S.

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