Starlit Nightime Sky | Teen Ink

Starlit Nightime Sky

October 13, 2011
By Haley Baker BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
Haley Baker BRONZE, Bolingbrook, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love it when the sun says, “Goodbye.”
I’m my happiest during a quiet night,
Looking up into the starlit nighttime sky.

As I look up, way, way up high.
No more brightness, no more light,
I love it when the sun says, “Goodbye.”

The sun is no longer telling a beautiful lie.
No more blinding sunlight,
Looking up into the starlit nighttime sky.

I wonder if the clouds will cry.
Not an inch of light blue summer sky in sight,
I love it when the sun says, “Goodbye.”

People across the world are surely wondering why.
No more kids flying their perfect red kites,
Looking up into the starlit nighttime sky.

Now it’s time for the sun to be high in someone else’s sky.
The sun will not put up a fight tonight,
I love it when the sun says, “Goodbye.”
Looking up into the starlit nighttime sky.

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