Kept.. | Teen Ink


November 19, 2011
By Shayna10-10-09 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Shayna10-10-09 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You can complain that roses have thorns or you can rejoice because thorns have roses&quot; - Ziggy<br /> &quot;If worry was an effective weight lose program women would be invisible&quot; - Nancy Drew

If you knew what we could do you’d be astounded

We’d save the world but too bad we’re grounded

Let us reach our full potential

No need to lecture and act so mental

Let us decide what’s bad and what’s good

They way you try embarrasses parenthood

There’s no need for you to make up more rules

We know you’ve assumed us as fools

Your generation doesn’t deserve the glory

After all, we’re here because you were h***y

So we’ll dance with your bullets and fight with your fire

I know we may have sold out, but you’re the top buyer

Stop telling us to keep our personalities at bay

And don’t forget by whom we were raised

Stop with your records, your stats, your lists

They’re the only things keeping us under your fists

Yeah you’re my parents, the sweet authority of my own

But you need to know when to just leave me alone

If you knew what we could do you’d be astounded

We’d save the world but too bad we’re grounded.

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