The Girl Behind The Mask | Teen Ink

The Girl Behind The Mask

December 3, 2011
By _Fate_ GOLD, West Valley, Utah
_Fate_ GOLD, West Valley, Utah
15 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
true love is forever

They call me dumb, they call me naive, they sneer at me in the hallways, but no one knows just how many walls i have to have to trust and function....
So don't judge me, don't hate me for you'll never know the girl behind the mask you only know who I pretend to be without the pain without the fear, it's all hidden behind the mask of who I seem to be. You'll never see the sorrow you would never guess at my pain, I scream out in frustration my heart bleeds all the same. I smile, I laugh, I scream, I cry, but you will never see the tears that are in my eyes. I will fight though I don't feel strong, I won't give up though I tire before long. Don't assume you know me, don't act like you care you know those are lies and that just isn't fare. I am the girl hiding half of who I am this is only what I seem that girl of dreams the girl who hides behind the mask of humanity.

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