The Call | Teen Ink

The Call

April 6, 2008
By Anonymous

The phone rang anxiously
As soon as she answered it, her heart dropped and the tears began to fall
She knew that everything happens for a reason
And she kept reminding herself he was a strong man

As soon as she answered it, her heart dropped and the tears began to fall
Thoughts were racing through her head
And she kept reminding herself he was a strong man
He was always the one holding up the family, and now the roles have switched

Thoughts were racing through her head
Causing her to question all the past incidents
He was always the one holding up the family, and now the roles have switched
That underage, immature girl could not be telling the truth

The phone rang anxiously
Causing her to question all the past incidents
That underage, immature girl could not be telling the truth
She knew that everything happens for a reason

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