Moat of Tears | Teen Ink

Moat of Tears

April 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Castle walls, rising high
Spires and pinnacles too
Cross the moat through the gate
You feel all eyes watching you

Countless winding stairs
Cobwebs hang in veils
Witches nod somberly
As you live up to the tales

Take a step back
It’s a trial
It’s a trial

Don’t fight the dragon
It won’t bite if you don’t fight
In this perilous plight
Don’t kill the dragon
Force of good and harmony
Keeps the world from chaos and uncertainty

Enter in the chamber
Heart loud enough to hear
Mustn’t shed a drop of blood
It will turn into your fear

Plumes of smoke
Scorches your mail
But it can’t hurt you
If you know when to fail

Take a step back
Less violence
Less violence

Don’t fight the dragon
It won’t bite if you don’t fight
In this perilous plight
Don’t kill the dragon
Force of good and harmony
Keeps the world from chaos and uncertainty

The people of the earth
Weep for loss, cry for gain
Must you cause them
Even more pain?

Sword removed from sheath
What will you tell the people
If you kill the beast?
Reconsider, please

Take a step back
The silence
The silence

Don’t fight the dragon
It won’t bite if you don’t fight
In this perilous plight
Don’t kill the dragon
Force of good and harmony
Keeps the world from chaos and uncertainty

Look at its beauty
The sheer size of the beast
Scales that shine like moonstones
It is the one to keep the peace

Just because you don’t understand
Your ignorance is his blood
Flowing like a cascade
Their fiery tears created this flood

Take a step back
Be defiant
Be defiant

Don’t fight the people
They won’t strike if you don’t fight
In this perilous plight for right
Don’t harm the people
We all need to wake up and see
The splendor that’s before us
And how it came to be

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