I Remember Back in the Day | Teen Ink

I Remember Back in the Day

May 2, 2008
By Anonymous

I remember back in the day,
There was a day when all was good.
That was back in the summer,
When the sun warmed me from the inside out.

There was a day when all was good,
My friends and I rode around in the woods.
When the sun warmed me from the inside out.
The mornings smelled of spring.

My friends and I rode around in the woods,
Nothing ever went wrong.
The mornings smelled of spring.
We all got along so well.

Nothing ever went wrong,
All thoughts of school were trying to be erased.
We all got along so well,
I wished the summer would never end.

All thoughts of school were trying to be erased.
We dreaded the day it would return.
I wished the summer would never end,
The days were flying away.

We dreaded the day it would return.
I remember back in the day.
The days were flying away,
That was back in the summer.

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