sleeping soul of a dreaming demon | Teen Ink

sleeping soul of a dreaming demon

January 19, 2012
By lomakye SILVER, Parker, Colorado
lomakye SILVER, Parker, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"one day your life's going to flash before your eyes make sure its worth watching" -Gerard Way

A blessing in the dark
A gentle rapping
Whispered word to a dreaming demon
Who sleeps in peace

Where shadows lie unseen
A ghost in the darkness
At midnight from the unseen and unheard

Blessed gentle rapping
A rustling unseen
A whispered word in the shadow at midnight
A nameless ghost in the shadow

In the darkness
Demon dreaming
Let the dead sleep in peace

In the darkness
Demon dreaming
Let shadows lay
And a whispered word to the blessed demons

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