His Name was Roy | Teen Ink

His Name was Roy

February 16, 2012
By Miss_Elise GOLD, Farmington, Minnesota
Miss_Elise GOLD, Farmington, Minnesota
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Never have I ever been
So bubbly with fury.
The want of revenge so tempting
The need of rage I can’t bury .

Then it changes to anxious
The thought is overwhelming.
Could I really do this?
Of course, she had it coming!

But…then fear sets in
Creeping down to my core.
There’s no way I could do this
And I don’t want to anymore.

However I remember
What she did to me.
Betraying my emotions
Leading me to envy.

His name was Roy, you know
My tears only fall for him.
Seeing them together
Hangs me by a limb.

I stare into the evening sky
It darkens with my heart.
I sit here crying out in vain
My thoughts tearing me apart.

The day they fell apart
Everything came to light.
I held my head up tall and proud
There is royal in the right.

The author's comments:
This piece isn't some silly love poem, but what a teen girl might go through with relationships, using every emotion that corresponds with the Rainbow. Roy(G. Biv) is the boy in which she speaks.

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