The Narcotics of Emotion | Teen Ink

The Narcotics of Emotion

February 18, 2012
By Birklei GOLD, Raytown, Missouri
Birklei GOLD, Raytown, Missouri
12 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Emotion is a raging ocean of narcotics
And I have an addiction
I have an addiction to pain
To hate, love, anger, sadness, joy, fear
In the shallowest parts of my mind I snort happiness like cocaine
Happiness is my cocaine
A fine ground, fresh, very powerful cocaine
That overwhelms my senses
I am delusional
And In my delusion I ingest love
Love is my psychedelic mushroom
And it takes away the pain
It inspires me to experiment
To experiment on kindness
To experiment on tolerance
Tolerance isn’t enough
So I get drunk off compassion
On empathy
And I cannot stop this addiction
This addiction in the shallowest parts of my mind
Where there is a shallow there is a deep
And in the deepest parts of my mind
I am afraid
I’m afraid because when I’m all alone
With only my thoughts
I inject hatred into my veins like a heroin addict.
This hatred
This drug
It seeps into my soul
It seeps so deep into my soul that no matter how much love I ingest
Or happiness I snort
It lingers and it permanently taints me
In the deepest parts of my mind I smoke anger
The smoke fills my lungs
It feels as if my heart will implode
But I can’t stop there
I have a meth lab of pain
And everything is fine until it explodes
And I am covered in chemical pain
That burns my skin in such a painful way
And my body becomes covered with sores
But in the deepest parts of my mind sometimes
I lose my way and I am so afraid
Because it is painful
But still I set sail on this ocean of emotion

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