Darkest Dark of Night | Teen Ink

Darkest Dark of Night

February 13, 2012
By Andrewsgirl SILVER, Filer, Idaho
Andrewsgirl SILVER, Filer, Idaho
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
The best thing about falling in love is when you can't go to sleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.

The brightest stars
Are shing light
In the darkest
Dark of night

They're guiding there
Both near and far
The traveler's dare
A far-off star

See unknown paths
Awaiting one
To brave the dark
And bring the sun

She walks alone
Holding so tight
To her love and
Stars of night

Familiar paths
The easy way
But not the route
To bring the day

The journey's long
The paths unclear
But within the stars
There is no fear

The cold wraps 'round
Building strong walls
To block the sun
And stop its calls

Dark settles in
Demons cry out
Concealing paths
And leaving doubt.

The author's comments:
This kinda is a metaphor for life. Right now it probably sounds a little unfinished to those of you who read it, but that's because of where I am in my life. I am by no means finished, but sometimes life can seem a little dark. Hope that makes sense! :)

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