Marshmallow Love | Teen Ink

Marshmallow Love

March 3, 2012
By sierrahope2 SILVER, Ira Township, Michigan
sierrahope2 SILVER, Ira Township, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you can&#039;t understand my silence, then you don&#039;t deserve my words.&quot;<br /> &quot;Love is like the wind, you can&#039;t always see it, but you can feel it.&quot;<br /> &quot;Sometimes all you need is ten seconds of insane courage.&quot;

Our love was a marshmallow,
It was warm, it was sweet
Roasting over a little fire
Growing perfect over the heat

Our love was a marshmallow,
Until you lit it on fire
After all of that time,
Just to find you were a liar

Our love was a marshmallow,
With a charred black shell
That even when removed
Left a smoky taste to tell

Our love was a marshmallow,
It was once great
But it is not the same now
You decided on us a little too late.

The author's comments:
I told my friend that I would write a poem for her if she gave me a topic. She chose the topic of marshmallows, and this poem came about:)


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