Moonlight | Teen Ink


March 18, 2012
By Alli_Catz7 GOLD, La Quinta, California
Alli_Catz7 GOLD, La Quinta, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.<br /> - Ralph Waldo Emerson <br /> The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.<br /> - Unknown <br /> They can because they think they can.<br /> -Virgil<br /> The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.<br /> Aristotle Onassis

It is the thing that is truly bright
It fills up the darkened night
It pours through my room and enters as quick as it came
I can almost hear it calling out my name
Ribbons of gray and white flow through me
Can’t reality just let me be?
As the night ticks on through the hours
The ribbons of gray go off in showers
The moonlight has left us to go to another
I wake up and go to my mother
She says it’s only half past midnight
I have a whole another hour to stare into the light
I race back to my room to throw on the blankets
If I have enough time I’ll surely make it
Past the clock and through the halls
I slip on some plastic toy balls
I enter my room with a pounding heart beat
A tickle of excitement is sent all the way down into my feet
I stare at the window and through the glass
I can see the rays crossing the grass
The ribbons of gray appear in my soul
It makes me feel very humble and whole
My eyes begin to drift away
I cannot find myself to stay
I yawn with sleepiness and frustration
I know that this night is a generous donation
Moonlight escapes through my house
It creeps away silently like mouse
As I awake the next morning with glee
I know the moonlight will come again to visit me

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