Un-declared War | Teen Ink

Un-declared War

March 18, 2012
By Alli_Catz7 GOLD, La Quinta, California
Alli_Catz7 GOLD, La Quinta, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.<br /> - Ralph Waldo Emerson <br /> The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.<br /> - Unknown <br /> They can because they think they can.<br /> -Virgil<br /> The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.<br /> Aristotle Onassis

5 am was when the yells woke me.
The battle begun; Terror struck all those who were free.
The others had to fight for their rights.
As soon as it started, there were so many lights.
Gun flashes, pistols, grenades, and screams.
Trust me. It's not as good as it seems.
The minister watched and was pleased.
I wanted awfully bad to have his neck squeezed.
Women, children, and the innocent died.
He just sat there, engulfed in his pride.
Only twenty-one made it to the final round.
But still he put them in chains and they were bound.
I wept for weeks.
Until no more tears flew down my cheeks.
My brother died in that war.
His blood still stains the field floor.
I cant take this. I'm done.
I reach for my mother's gun.
She will weep with sorrow.
But at least I'll see my brother tomorrow.

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