Drawing Deadlines | Teen Ink

Drawing Deadlines

April 3, 2012
By StellaESP DIAMOND, Williston Park, New York
StellaESP DIAMOND, Williston Park, New York
74 articles 1 photo 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Do what you love, love what you do

Almost lovers.
Pulling away, separation of lips,
Glass shattering, our broken covenant.

Our grip,
Almost lovers.

Trying but slipping.
Loves sail clasped upon sinking ships,
Glass shattering, our broken covenant.

Tears resentfully falling,
Going against unforeseen glimpses,
Almost lovers.

Emotions unlocking,
Stitches of tranquility rips,
Glass shattering, our broken covenant.

Goodbye is a blessing,
Out the door love trips,
Almost Lovers,
Glass shattering, our broken covenant.


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