Boyfriend | Teen Ink


March 31, 2012
By Alli_Catz7 GOLD, La Quinta, California
Alli_Catz7 GOLD, La Quinta, California
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
For every minute you are angry, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.<br /> - Ralph Waldo Emerson <br /> The harder you fall, the higher you bounce.<br /> - Unknown <br /> They can because they think they can.<br /> -Virgil<br /> The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.<br /> Aristotle Onassis

He says he loves me;that's what confuses me the most.
I guess I feel like nobody can come close.
He is certain he knows what he's doing.
But it'll be my heart that'll need gluing.
If he only knew everything that I've been through.
He wouldn't be so quick to say I do.
I don't know if I can trust him.
Maybe a few layers of my walls need a trim.
Everything stops when I see his face.
Should i put my guard up just in-case?
Walking slowly towards him; my heart begins to beat.
He looks up; I stare down at my feet.
He doesn't understand enough.
I know he'll be tough.
Walking away without saying hello.
His love for me will only grow.
At least that's what I think.
Hopefully, it won't shrink.
The next day I'll be brave.
It's truly one answer I crave.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask with a chill.
He looks up and says,"Yes, I will."

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