Cotton Soft | Teen Ink

Cotton Soft

March 22, 2012
By lecommamichelle BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
lecommamichelle BRONZE, Seattle, Washington
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love you: To feel is better than to hear"

It holds my secrets and comforts my body

A pillow held in many hands,

but belong in mine

Never seen the cotton beneath the tears that I cry at night

Cotton soft dreams as I slowly drift to another land

My get away

Forever my teddy

My stress reliever

Dream Catcher

The cotton so soft is much like a person

The beautiful cover with so many screams under

No one sees

No one hears

But we all feel it's cotton soft touch

Forever so cotton soft

An inch of cotton is a million tears

The fabric just passes them through

Capture my thoughts

Never kills my mood

Upon this cover I lay

A silent cotton soft pillow

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this one night when I screamed into my pillow. That's when i realized how special my pillow was to me.

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