These Facts are Out of Date | Teen Ink

These Facts are Out of Date

April 10, 2012
By MelGal BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
MelGal BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I came in the world hearing boys are better than girls.
They say all girls can do is wear pearls
I hear they are better, at sports and skills.
But every time I’m near them, it gives me the chills
For I am just as good as them, even better then some.
“I just don’t get why they all say these things,” I told my mum.
But she was no help; she just said that’s how we are run.
Day by day, I see such strong women
All making a difference in everyway they can.
Some days I get so mad I could hit some one with a pan!
But I control my anger because that’s who I am.
I have to just live with what people say.
‘Cause I know they are wrong and they will have to believe it one day.
We will just have to show that we are good in our own special ways.
One-day women will run us all and they will have to admit,
That we have been right all this time and they will know it.
Until that day comes I shall follow the sun
And remember that there is not two groups, but one.

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