From Above<3 | Teen Ink

From Above<3

May 7, 2012
By JD-love BRONZE, IN, Indiana
JD-love BRONZE, IN, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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love is strong but are you:<br /> love is far but i will always be in your heart&lt;3

You love me?
You care about me?
You would wall the mile for me?


I am not spacial, sometimes i feel tho im not even real.

Yet my heart you steal,
and with joy.
You are so amazing, you really can see me. And it's the real me.

Think you, Think you, Think you my love<3
It's like you came to me from above.
You are the only one I will ever love.

The author's comments:
I just feel tho I can write something like this every now and then... when i think of him:)

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