The Winding Path of My life | Teen Ink

The Winding Path of My life

May 9, 2012
By Parisgal98 BRONZE, Hillsborough, New Jersey
Parisgal98 BRONZE, Hillsborough, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have to be the change that you want to see in the world.: Ghandi

Roaming the hills of her dreams.
Decisions to make,risks to take
Following the never ending path of fate.

With her head held 3 miles high
And her smile 3 miles wide.
Following the path her heart takes her.

Breezing through the sunny days.
Going along with the sun's shining blaze.

Battling through and under the midnight stars.
She keeps moving on, showing her scars.

Caring, Loving, Confident
Never fails always succeeds.
Hardworking as a bee.

Scholar in the day
And studying at night.
Not failing ever without putting up a fight.

She peeks over the hills of her dreams for what's to come.
Her future is here and her past is said and done.

She now spends her time from 9 to 5
As an actress in the arts, or a second grade teacher.

Then changing from 5 to 9 being a writer, or a fashion designer
Forgetting and leaving grade school and her teachers behind her.

Her past is gone
And she is holding on strong.
Forgetting and leaving her losses and strife.
Continuing on through the path of her life.

The author's comments:
I hope people will understand that anything is possible , especially when you put your mind to it.

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