Ode to My Cat | Teen Ink

Ode to My Cat

June 12, 2012
By wanderedLonely SILVER, Williamsburg, Virginia
wanderedLonely SILVER, Williamsburg, Virginia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I love you the color of
smooth stones and chalky bones.
The color of
creamy crested waves
and porcelain-skinned dolls.
Of swans and swifts, marble doves
and softly falling snow.
The color of
downy feathers molting off
a baby bird.

I love you the color of
a sea-birthed pearl
and Mother oyster.
Of daisy petals and silver medals,
white gold and platinum earrings.
The color of
an elephant's ivory tusk,
the bristles of an artist's brush.

I love you the whitest.


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