In Reply | Teen Ink

In Reply

June 27, 2012
By azkbaity BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
azkbaity BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Let's trade. We'll swap blue-prints. Yours are torn and stained with whiskey. But mine are blank and I don't know where to build. I'll take the plans you take for granted and you can build you own on mine. I'll take someone to love and you can stop lamenting over priviledges.

The author's comments:
i grew up without a father and i wrote this as a reply to a classmate who complains openly about his neglectful, drinking father. Iv always seen father figures as a type of blue-print, an example to follow as a man that i feel somewhat lost without. My classmate has not read this.

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