Thin Lines | Teen Ink

Thin Lines

July 2, 2012
By Kara Richardson SILVER, Cartersville, Georgia
Kara Richardson SILVER, Cartersville, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The silence cuts through air like glass,
While time slows down in outraged hearts.
Eternity fades through times pass,
Only bright days now have a soothed start.

They questioned us of holding mighty strength,
Now speeches rise of everlasting love.

We are here!

We listen!

We sigh of pretense faith!
All talk becomes cheap,
While the truth is a dove.

But before long we will stand up and sing,
“Hallelujah, hallelujah!”

“Forget your scars and painful laws you made!”
Bells of freedom with rite of passage ring,

“Dear Mr. President, you don’t take me, you trade.”

The author's comments:
With it being eleciton year, I've noticed in our society today that you can never know what to be true compared to what truly is false. Too many promises are torn and too many hopes are let go for this to be such a country of freedom and individuality. With expression and opportunities to do with what you desire, we shouldn't have the one person in charge of it all doing the job for all the wrong reasons. We should again be a united country.

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