Knock Knock | Teen Ink

Knock Knock

October 16, 2012
By brittanynicole.725 BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
brittanynicole.725 BRONZE, Saint Peters, Missouri
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't rush love; you might disappoint the one God made for you." -Brittany Nicole Merchant (Me)

I can’t thank you enough, my savior on hinges,
for being a cedar green wall
with a fool’s gold doorknob and an autumn leaf wreath.
You watch my life pass through you.

You’ve taken a beating.
Dents and dings in this sturdy oak shield
from furious fists that should have bruised my body.
But you can be repainted.

You’ve spit out the evil and have swallowed the holy.
A blood-thirsty dragon waited at my doorstep,
clawing at your back, kicking, pounding,
as the sound of your cries echo throughout my house
with the chime of an old, rusted church bell.
Why must you absorb my punishment?

I watch my father breathe fire upon you.

I can’t thank you enough, my savior on hinges,
for being a cedar green wall
with a fool’s gold doorknob and an autumn leaf wreath
and shredded feather wings from the battles you’ve endured.

My front door, my guardian angel, I thank you.

The author's comments:
This piece is an ode poem to my front door. My inspiration came from Thanksgiving 2007 when my father tried to break into my mother's house. I am so very grateful for my front door!

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