"Rotc memories" | Teen Ink

"Rotc memories"

October 29, 2012
By ssnepp01 BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
ssnepp01 BRONZE, Topeka, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"you are only the person you want o be not the person people want you to be"

Oh the mornings when we wake up at 5 to do PT
The sound of rifles hitting the gym ground
Our shiny shoes glossy and black
From the whole unit yelling KS-881together
Or from us all singing the air force song together
Having a goal in mind to be just like Topeka high drill team
Major kind and SGT. Adams pushing me to do my best
It’s hard not being where you love but it is hard staying and not being safe I miss it a lot but there is nothing I can

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