Shattered Glass | Teen Ink

Shattered Glass

December 5, 2012
By iamwren BRONZE, Fayetteville, North Carolina
iamwren BRONZE, Fayetteville, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
perfection isn't about having everything in your life perfect, it's about finding pure happiness in all of life's imperfect moments.

The last thing he saw
was the eyes of the only woman he’d ever love
for the last time
his eyes fell
like a comet
that had once been so full of power
now a dull piece of rock among the ordinary
like his eyes
like his heart

Tears covered her face
that same face he held in his hands as he said goodbye
for the last time
her tears fell
like shattered glass
glass that had once been solid, perfect
now in a million pieces scattered across the floor
like her tears
like her heart

Blood was on his face
Pain and fear filled his eyes yet he held on to her words
for the first time
he fell down
many times he fell
but then her words lifted him to his feet and saved him
like her heart
like their love

War was not his plan
It was forced upon him, he had no choice but to fight
they were in love
and happy
for the first time
until her heart was broken and left
the only connection being letters much too brief
unlike war
unlike love

It became deadly
he fought hard to know he’d one day see her face again
BOOM, it hit him
he fell down
for the last time
he knew it was the end for himself
and with his last breath he said what she’d always tell him
“Be brave love
I’m with you”

The doorbell rings twice
She runs to the door with glee knowing he’s home at last
She opens the door
her tears fall
it is not him
he has died at war, her only love
but then from the shadows she hears him call out to her
“Be brave love
I’m with you”

The author's comments:
This is a poem I wrote last year for english. It is a bit sad. But i thought the chemistry between the characters was beautiful. Please leave me your comments thank you :)

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