Stoke Those Coals | Teen Ink

Stoke Those Coals

January 11, 2013
By AlwaysRaiseYourVoice BRONZE, Massena, New York
AlwaysRaiseYourVoice BRONZE, Massena, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You know not what you do.-William Shakespeare.
Raise your voice, every single time you open up your mouth.-My Chemical Romance.
In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope.-Micheal Jackson.
Where is the love?- Black Eyed Peas.

If forever wasn't forever,
If forever was a day,
If that day was only sound, What words would you have it say?
If those words created a spark,
In the heart of down-trodden souls,
Would you be brave enough,
Would you be tough enough,
To stoke the coals?

The author's comments:
You have to think about this one. I meant "forever" as in a moment of time when the intensity and importance of what is haplening or could happen, is so much so, that either "path" you choose to take will absolutely alter your life. But I mean that's just my interpratation...

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