"A Prayer Mislead" | Teen Ink

"A Prayer Mislead"

February 7, 2013
By BrokenRoses SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
BrokenRoses SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's hard to show who I really am to even my closest friends, but when I write poetry, I reveal who I am to myself, and that's all that matters."- Me

There are tears in his eyes

As he sits on his bed and cries

He loathes that it is so easy to reminisce how he feels

His remaining friends watch him in awe as he kneels.

One by one they do the same

Each one silently thinking of a fallen soldier’s name

He gets up, knowing he has to get ready to leave

So he could go home to his family and grieve.

When the soldier sees his wife’s face

He sees her miseries leave without a trace

He sees his kids for the first time in years

As he hugs them, he erases all of their fears.

Basically, without heroes like the man above

Who show they feel about our country with love

Many of us would not be here today

Instead, our souls would be floating in the sky

Far away.

The author's comments:
My English teacher requested that my classmates and I write poems to honor fallen soldiers. Even though I had writer's block, this poem was finally able to come through.

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