Sides of Love | Teen Ink

Sides of Love

February 26, 2013
By toobadtobegood BRONZE, Bellevue, Nebraska
toobadtobegood BRONZE, Bellevue, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Love can be a wonderful thing, that is so sweet,
Or can be so dark and full of pain,
Love is just something that can’t be beat.

Perfect in all its heat,
But dangerous when in vain,
Love is a wonderful thing, that is so sweet.

With that one person who you should meet,
Are all the things you could and couldn't gain,
Love is just something that can’t be beat.

It’s like jumping off a cliff, and hoping to land on your feet,
Or walking in the desert, dreaming of rain,
Love is a wonderful thing, that is so sweet.

In your life, love will never take a back seat,
It is like a street with only one lane,
Love is just something that can’t be beat.

An invisible force, it’s impossible to cheat,
Seen with the heart not with the brain,
Love is a wonderful thing, that is so sweet.
Love is just something that can’t be beat.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece showing different views of love. It's not just about the good side of love but also the bad. Its about the hope and expectations as well as the disappointments and the melancholy side of love.

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