After the Reign | Teen Ink

After the Reign

February 27, 2013
By Christina Deepan BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Christina Deepan BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was early in the morning when the rain
Began to fall and left a coat
Of wetness on the grass: dew.
That was when I sat and watched a flower
Begin to die. The petals filled with dark ink
And it was the most beautiful show.

I got up just as the sun began to show
Through the clouds and the rain stopped falling. The ink
Splattered on me. She grabbed my wet coat
Then ran to the store and bought some flour
Because that was what she tried to do.

I chased her down and shoved her in the dewy
Grass. My true self had finally shown
Through the cloak when I through flour
All over her. I decided it was my time to reign
This this town. My cheap, dirty, old coat
Turned into a velvet cape like red pouring ink.

I changed the town name to “Christina Incorporated”
Because I was going to have everyone do
As I please. And, yes, that means coating
Everything with chocolate and let my power show.
Pink, soft, plush rose petals rained
All over, for they were my favorite flower.

People fetched pound after pound of flour
To make cookies with splats of ink
Here and there: M&Ms were raining
Into the batter. A few too many will do.
The bright rainbow began to show
In the oven as the soft brown grew which it coated.

My red velvet cape turned back into a coat
And the petals of light pink flowers
Disappeared as the fun of the show
Ended and the marvelous Christina Incorporated
Fell. A normal life will have to do
Because my former power fell like rain.

I will have to show my dirty, wet coat
To the woman that reigned my not-so flowery
Life. Clear ink on my face like dew.

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