Perception | Teen Ink


March 14, 2013
By zen.miller BRONZE, Fredonia, Wisconsin
zen.miller BRONZE, Fredonia, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations." John Green

If everyone loves you but
nobody knows you,
does it matter at all
or do you just feel alone?

Nobody knows you.
Is it liberating
or do you just feel alone;
free but trapped?

Is it liberating?
No strings to tie you down,
free but trapped.
You want to be tethered.

No strings to tie you down,
but society says that
you want to be tethered.
Human acceptance is a gift.

But society says that
you need to earn it,
human acceptance is a gift
not everyone receives.

You need to earn it.
If everyone loves you but
not everyone receives,
does it matter at all?

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