Spy Boy | Teen Ink

Spy Boy

May 9, 2013
By writeroffiction61 BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
writeroffiction61 BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a hero
I fight through the ropes and tangles of the course
My strength leaves me.
I am falling towards the ground

I hit the ground with a bone-jarring force
I see the panel judging me
The council will have the final say
The director looks on with sad eyes.

The council expresses doubt in me
I plead with them
I am a hero, protecting the world
The council decides

The director has accepted me
I have become his new prodigy
I am a hero, protecting the world
I am the most powerful

A robot lies alone the night, the director accepts me

10 years later a new child had evolved
He is stronger than us all
I am feeling the pain
I thought I had nothing to gain

My time is now spent
Lifting weights and repenting
The director is my father
He teaches me everything

I am a hero, protecting a fallen world
The child is rapidly evolving
I can feel his power growing
My power is slowing.

The final battle is brewing
The council is underestimating me
I feel my alliances changing
I am loyal to the dictator alone

A breath into my ear
A scream rings out
The director enters the room
He is being overthrown
The world is turning
I am only loyal to the director
He gives one last challenge
I am to kill the boy

I hunt towards his room
I bust in the room
The world spins out of control
I feel the blood pound through my ears

A punch easily dodged.
He struggles and manages to get on top of me
I cry out as he starts to talk
I’ve been tricked

Memories flash through my mind
The director smiling
The women instructor
A robot on the table of the council that night 10 years ago

I realize this was a test
I have failed
I am no longer a hero
I lived long enough to see myself turn to a villain

The child speaks softly now.
The beeping slowing starts to speed up
A bright light explodes in my face
I am a villain

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