Carmex | Teen Ink


May 10, 2013
By Theanahb BRONZE, Mount Propsect, Illinois
Theanahb BRONZE, Mount Propsect, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

See the glitter in my Hair
Diamonds on my Nails
But going down my face was the Mascara
Right along with the Eye Liner
I don’t want everyone to see my Tears
But it's all the Carmex

I threw my Carmex
While swatting my Hair
It’s not worth the Tears
Not worth the Nails
I’m not wearing any more Eye Liner
Forget it Mascara

But I love Mascara
I live for Carmex
Just started wearing Eye Liner
Extended my Hair
But now it’s all about the Nails
Just not worth my Tears

Why MY Tears
It’s ruining my Mascara
Fresh paint on Nails
Ruined by Carmex
Gotta put up my Hair
It’s rubbing off my Eye Liner

Ten dollars for Eye Liner
Its hell of Tears
Three hundred for my Hair
Fifteen for the Mascara
Unlimited Carmex
Unfortunately I paid Sixty dollars for my Nails

But the chemicals ruined my Nails
It's getting to the Eye Liner
It’s your entire fault Carmex
That is why you see Tears
Continuously running of the Mascara
But I saved my Hair

Under my Nails are filled with Tears
My Eye Liner is still running right along with my Mascara
All because of the Carmex and the smell is in my Hair

The author's comments:
I thought this would be a nice poem to write about my daily life when it comes to my cosmetics and hair. I am really crazy about my beauty. I would really see girls reading this poem. Some can relate to it, especially when it comes to eye liner and mascara.

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