Colors | Teen Ink


May 29, 2013
By michalina BRONZE, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
michalina BRONZE, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

They are not just words

That describe newly found things.

They possess deeper meanings,

Like anger and passion love and hate.

Love is the color red.

Like a raging inferno, it never stops quickly,

Always leaving its mark.

It's prickly to the touch,

But through time develops

Into the sweetest things,

Like mouthwatering delectables.

It's often hard to resist.

Depression is the color blue

It flows through your body.

It is intolerable of any empathy.

Happiness is the color yellow,

Like flowers blooming in spring

and smiles caressing strangers' faces,

Leaving them with a little more

Than they came with.

Simple colors represent much more.

Through the use of imagination,

They represent human emotions

Who knew such simple things

Could mean so much more.

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