When We Were Young, Wild, and Free | Teen Ink

When We Were Young, Wild, and Free

May 30, 2013
By Kitten_1201 SILVER, Duluth, Minnesota
Kitten_1201 SILVER, Duluth, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember when we were young, wild and free
Eating lunch together at school
Running around in our bare feet

Walking down the street
Acting like we were cool
Remember when we were young, wild and free

There we went, we climbed the tree
Laughing like fools
Running around in our bare feet

We’d skip and act a little crazy
Freaking other out, we were such ghouls
Remember when we were young, wild and free

We’re girls, we are naturally squirrely
To beat the summer heat, we’d jump into the pool
Running around in our bare feet

Now we’re older, in our late teens
No more sweaters with wool
Remember when we were young, wild and free
Running around in our bare feet.

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