Innocence | Teen Ink


May 20, 2013
By Alexis Abbott BRONZE, North Richland Hills, Texas
Alexis Abbott BRONZE, North Richland Hills, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Take me back to the earlier days
In a world where darkness cannot hide the light.
Innocence was just a phase

The biggest decisions now seem small in so many ways
Mind filled with endless possibilities, not a worry in sight
Take me back to the earlier days

Thinking that boys have cooties, no questions raise
And always trusting that the older were right
Innocence was just a phase

So careless and free, constantly in a dream daze
Still checking for monsters under your bed at night
Take me back to the earlier days

Everything you see is bright colors, no shades of greys
Everyday marking on the wall of your new height
Innocence was just a phase

But now life is a struggle trying to find your way through the maze
No one is there looking over you to make sure you’re alright
Take me back to the earlier days
Innocence was just a phase

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