I Used to Know a Girl Named Ashley Mae | Teen Ink

I Used to Know a Girl Named Ashley Mae

July 9, 2013
By wordsinthestars12 GOLD, Nashville, Tennessee
wordsinthestars12 GOLD, Nashville, Tennessee
17 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I'll walk forever with stories inside me that the people I love most can never hear.

I used to know a girl named Ashley Mae,
And we played down by the bay
In the morning hours of every day
We sipped tea on Tuesdays,
And picked flowers in early May
I used to know a girl with blue ribbons in her hair,
She didn't ever care
We'd go shopping everywhere
And win stuffed animals at the fair
She taught me truth or dare,
While we ignored their gawks and stares
I used to know a girl with the biggest brown eyes,
But never did she cry
Even on those lonely nights
I'd hug her and she'd sigh,
I'd swore that she could fly
I used to know a girl with pink walls in her room,
Where we sat all afternoon
Drawing unicorns and balloons
She sat and sang lovely tunes
About zoos and monkeys and baboons
I used to know a girl with green grass in her yard,
Where we sat when things got hard
We listened to passing cars
She gave me homework answers because she was so smart
And we vowed that we would never, ever, ever be apart
I used to know a girl with red corkscrew curls,
With teeth that shined like pearls
Oh was she ever a growing girl
She existed in her own world
Along with her pet rock she named Earl
I used to know a girl with a white cat,
Whom we chased for hours, just like that
She laughed, and bam, he's back!
He loved my purple hat
And he lied on your place mats
I used to know a girl with a pretty yellow dress,
And we were friends, the best
If I went left, she went left
And every day, for all the rest
We never gave our friendship a rest
I used to know a girl with a loving family,
And they laughed and laughed at me
Whenever I would try to sing
You would jump so happily
And let your angel voice ring
I used to know a girl that suddenly turned thirteen,
And she turned rather mean
I tried to compromise, but she wasn't listening
I started to drift away and she was happy to leave
Our poor little friendship thing
I used to know a girl named Ashley Mae,
But then, one day,
I didn't know how to fix it or what to say
So she left, she went away,
And that was the last I saw of Ashley Mae

The author's comments:
I know friendships can be hard, so I decided to write a poem from the point of view of a girl that's had this best friend named Ashley Mae while she was growing up, then, one day, when she turns 13, Ashley Mae just stops caring about their friendship.

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