July 25, 2013
By extra SILVER, Pompano Beach, Florida
extra SILVER, Pompano Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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only god can turn a MESS into a MESSAGE, a TEST into TESTIMON, a TRIAL into a TRIUMPH,a VICTOM into a VICTORY.

I can see through you ,by looking deep into your eyes I realize you are a living lie. you walking around claiming you a Christian that ain't the truth .if it is then where's your proof. who are you to judge me? this not a competition so why are you holding a grudge against me? I treat you the same as the others so why is there so much hatred when it comes to my name? never mind don't even bother to explain. I'm on my knees in a quiet place trying to see my heavenly father face to face .now you standing over here looking at me like a fool not knowing what to do. know you saying "I LOVE YOU". whatever it's to late now so it really don't matter. going behind a door slamming it shut my weakness is that I care way too much. I'm going to see if it helps me to wait for the perfect moment to take place , are you real or fake? or were you just another chapter on my page.

The author's comments:
there's always that family member Or friend that is fake towards you and can't stand you at all for no reason what so ever but you just have to keep your head up and leave some words UNSPOKEN.

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