Mind Over Matter Over Mind | Teen Ink

Mind Over Matter Over Mind

August 8, 2013
By Jovati BRONZE, Oz Pk, New York
Jovati BRONZE, Oz Pk, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone. Al Capone

oh what a devastating discovery
one of truth and self
when all you swore you seen
instead of true, was felt

it’s that mortifying moment
that moment that you face
when you realize you were running
the wrong way in the race

you go home that night
and the shame in you burns
but even though you feel the pain
it’s another lesson learned

The author's comments:
If you act on what you feel and the outcome is not exactly as you would have hoped, there's always something that comes out of it. People need to stop pitying themselves because that will get them no where, they need to realize they have to learn from their mistakes and think things through to be able to execute their actions properly and get what they want

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