Memento Mori | Teen Ink

Memento Mori

September 4, 2013
By Zyrra_The_Dragon BRONZE, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Zyrra_The_Dragon BRONZE, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Life is hard, it's harder if you're stupid."

we are never alone
same stars and sky keep us company
we all have wounds that need to be sewn
we are all plagued by insanity
we are never alone
same creatures will pick at our dead flesh
when we die with a sword in our hands under the sun
we all will get a chance to start fresh
we are never alone
we all can face this day
from the fire we will never run
today all mortals are gay
we are never alone
we can face this storm
no need to pass the gun
no need to hide that we’re torn
we are never alone
we all have danced with the devil
none of us will ever be truly gone
all die having committed some evil
we are never alone
we all have sinned and cast the first stone
all have realized their wrongs
all still alive when they thought their life was done
we are never alone
same gods watch over our despair
though he helps no one
he never seems to care
we are never alone
time races ahead before we are ready
we never have time before we’re gone
it’s a struggle to live steady
we are never alone
we have all loved and lost
we have all loved more than one
heartbreak was never a fair cost
we are never alone
we all have seen the dead
mourned for our beloved ones gone
over and over tombstones are read
we are never alone
we all have basked in the beauty of the world
seen the details of stone
felt the ocean’s deep cold
we are never alone
we all have felt the deep cut of betrayal
heard the wretched siren’s tone
given our broken hearts a proper burial
we are never alone
all have missed their childhood days
missed the fun they had before they were grown
missed a time when they had nothing to pay
we are never alone
all have been caught in a web of lies
betrayed those they’ve called friend once
all have seen their schemes wither and die
we are never alone
all have believed in some god or magic
felt power in their bones
found the faithful tragic
we are never alone
all have passed judgment they had no right to give
all have cursed the rising dawn
wished people dead who have a right to live
we are never alone
all have said goodbye
across land or ocean wherever they’ve gone
you could never break your ties
we are never alone
all have tasted bitter defeat
licked their wounds and had them sewn
felt like fresh slaughtered meat
we are never alone
all have seen the dark begin to rise
wanted to forever be known
fly forever in the star lit skies
we are never alone
all have been suppressed by fear
took refuge in fire ‘till night was none
for all the bumps in the dark shed fretful tears
we are never alone
all have sang to the songs of their land
tried to match an artist’s tone
thought their works to be grand
we are never alone
all have felt anger’s burning flame
waited for the rain to come and be gone
anger leaves no one the same
we are never alone
all have tried to fly with broken wings
all have conquered and failed you’re not the only one
all have heard the angels sing
we are never alone
so please don’t cry
we are never truly gone
but remember we all will die

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